Xara Thustra /// MCXT

MCXT is a creative partnership between Monica Canilao and Xara Thustra, born from a joint desire to communicate care, connection and joy through their art. Their collaborative work combines and compliments each other's individual style and voice, making space for their joint need to create a vibrant, interactive and accessible world through art and activism. MCXT collaborations have emphasis on celebration, self worth, and empowerment resulting in murals, performance, happenings, costume making, installation, painting, and film in both traditional and non-traditional spaces. 

Together as MCXT, Canilao and Thustra’s combined efforts within art and community are devoutly dedicated to centering and uplifting the most vulnerable people in society first. They work to support community with mutual aid generated through their creative practice using combined talents, resources, and care based networks of support. Their practice and collaborations create a visual vernacular that resonates beyond verbal and individual differences, weaving  experiences with physical remnants of past lives. Monica and Xara's individual histories lend to their compatibility for collaboration. Through their act of creating illuminated immersive art, MCXT upholds a narrative of both change and joy.