Sucka free

Adobe Books, San Francisco, CA// October 4, 2019

Sucka Free is MCXTs (Monica Canilao + Xara Thustra) second solo Bay Area show.
In it features three new works made in collaboration with Michael Hussmann Tschaeni. MCXT also collaborated with WEARETHEONES to make a series of fantastical images with these collaborative works. Also included are several collaborative portraits made by Monica and Lauren Napolitano.

MCXT is a creative partnership between Monica Canilao and Xara Thustra. A collaborative effort birthed out of a joint wish to communicate care and empowerment within public spaces. Together they share a deep need to make a bright, vibrant world using the tools of art and activism. MCXT goes big in scale, in heart, and in vision. They create moments to think and reflect on what things might look like if every human were to contemplate care. There is an important whimsical seriousness aimed to direct the viewer's attention to the bright, bustling, heart wrenching beauty that surrounds us in each moment. A reminder that what’s here is enough and vast, it’s simple and infinite. MCXT wakes the sleepy eyed passerby to a gaze into an altered state, refocus and participate.... because love is the answer.

October 4th, 2019- November 14, 2019
